Wednesday, February 27, 2008

dominican republic

the Dominican republic its a carriben sea nation on the island of "la espanola" o santo domingo was the home of an indian culture of arawaki origie called "tainos" wich meant good people they were conquest by the European (mostly Spanish) in the xvi century ad by the year 1526 only a small fragment of the population was still of arawaki blood, by then the Spanish had brought lots of people from africa (near the Senegal and Congo) and the ethic population began to mingle and breed so by the xix century ad the population were either black, white or Indian, we were "criollos" mulatos" or "mestizos" and we decide to break free from Europa and star living as a new country...this day 27 of February we are celebration our independence not from Spanish, but from our neihborg...but thats another tale.

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